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With a very high and valuable reputation in our field, the Vijay Srishti fertility center has managed to pride itself with achievements in the Fertility and Reproductive niche. We have a proud history of helping couples and people have children of their own with the right amount of investment in technology and compassion along with an expert team of doctors.

Benefits of PESA AND TESA

Most of the men suffering from infertility assume that they are completely sterile and they can never become a father. However, this is not completely true. Most of the (so called infertile) males do not have complete azoospermia. There are various causes of infertility. It may be blockage of ducts (Vas deferens, epididymis), insufficient number of healthy sperms, low motility of sperms, dilated veins in scrotal area, retrograde ejaculation etc.
With the help of some tests, sperms can be collected directly from epididymis (PESA) or testes (TESA) and it can be decided more accurately where exactly the problem lies. In case of issues like motility, low count of healthy sperms, retrograde ejaculation or hormonal cause, IVF or in vitro fertilization maybe be helpful.

Success of PESA AND TESA

PESA and TESA are treatment options available for males suffering from obstructive or non-obstructive oligozoospermia. The success rates of these procedures depend on the individual males. The associated success rate is about 25% for every cycle of treatment.

Success of PESA AND TESA

PESA and TESA are treatment options available for males suffering from obstructive or non-obstructive oligozoospermia. The success rates of these procedures depend on the individual males. The associated success rate is about 25% for every cycle of treatment.


The procedure of TESA and PESA are given below:


  • PESA is performed under local anesthesia i.e. anesthetics are injected directly into the scrotum to make the area numb. This is done to avoid any pain during the procedure.
  • The vas deferens is located.
  • A small needle is inserted into the vas deferens or epidydimis and the plunger is pulled to extract the seminal fluid.


  • If no sperm is retrieved through PESA, it indicated that the vas deferens did not have any sperm. And hence TESA needs to be performed to extract the sperm directly from the testis.

  • A small needle is inserted into the testicles and testicular tissue is aspirated. Sufficient amount of sperm is required for further procedures.


The procedure of TESA and PESA are given below:


  • PESA is performed under local anesthesia i.e. anesthetics are injected directly into the scrotum to make the area numb. This is done to avoid any pain during the procedure.
  • The vas deferens is located.
  • A small needle is inserted into the vas deferens or epidydimis and the plunger is pulled to extract the seminal fluid.


  • If no sperm is retrieved through PESA, it indicated that the vas deferens did not have any sperm. And hence TESA needs to be performed to extract the sperm directly from the testis.

  • A small needle is inserted into the testicles and testicular tissue is aspirated. Sufficient amount of sperm is required for further procedures.


At Vijay Srishti Fertility center, we provide these treatments for male infertility at an affordable cost. For more details, kindly contact our experts.


At Vijay Srishti Fertility center, we provide these treatments for male infertility at an affordable cost. For more details, kindly contact our experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the success rate of these procedures?

Treatment with ICSI and PESA have similar success rate as IVF. So this is good for men with oligospermia both obstructive and non-obstructive.


What is the procedure of using sperm in TESA and PESA?

First of all the male partner or husband has to provide a semen sample on the same day of egg collection.Then the sperms are retrieved, specially prepared and individually injected into the eggs.Routine ovulation, induction and egg collection and embryo transfer are then employed.


Who are the beneficiaries of this procedure?

Males suffering from the following conditions can opt for the following procedures:

  1. Men who have cystic fibrosis or absent vas deferens.
  2. Men who had undergone vasectomy.
  3. Failed vasectomy reversal.
  4. Men with irreversible genital tract obstruction.
  5. Men with testicular problems.
  6. Men with decreased spermatogenesis.

How are these procedures performed

The procedures for PESA and TESA are very similar

PESA: PESA is performed under local anesthesia i.e. anesthetics are injected directly into the scrotum to make the area numb. The vas deferens is located.A small needle is inserted into the vas deferens or epididymis and the plunger is pulled to extract the seminal fluid.The testis is examined to locate any abnormality or blockage in the vas deferens. Before examination, the scrotum is swabbed with a warm antiseptic to prevent infection. The retrieved seminal fluid is checked for sperm motility and shape.The process is repeated until enough sperms are collected.

TESA: If no sperm is retrieved through PESA, it indicated that the vas deferens did not have any sperm and TESA is performed to extract the sperms directly from the testis. A small needle is inserted into the testicles and testicular tissue is aspirated. Sufficient amount of sperm is required for further procedures.

What are the contra-indications of getting surgical sperm removal?

If the male has genetic defects or conditions, it is not advised to have the PESA/TESA procedure


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