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Ejaculation Problem

Ejaculation problems refer to issues with the release of semen from the penis during orgasm. These problems can cause infertility and decreased sexual function.

What Causes an Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy can occur due to a variety of factors, including damage to the fallopian tubes, pelvic inflammatory disease, previous tubal surgeries, and the use of assisted reproductive technology.

What are the Symptoms of Ejaculation Problems?

The main symptoms of ejaculation problems include premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, and retrograde ejaculation. Other symptoms can include pain or discomfort during ejaculation, decreased sexual satisfaction, and infertility.

How is Ejaculation Problem Diagnosed?

Ejaculation problems can be diagnosed through a physical exam and medical history, as well as through a semen analysis. Our doctor may also order tests to rule out other underlying conditions.

How is Ejaculation Problem Treated?

Treatment for ejaculation problems will depend on the underlying cause of the condition. In some cases, medications may be recommended to improve nerve function and restore normal ejaculation. In other cases, behavioural therapy, such as the squeeze technique, or counselling may be recommended to address psychological factors contributing to the problem. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct physical damage or abnormalities.
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